Esthe Pro Labo Dee Dee Powder
Esthe Pro Labo Dee Dee Powder
Esthe Pro Labo Solution D.D. Powder Aojiru with matcha flavor fills the body with important vitamins, enzymes, minerals and amino acids.
Aojiru includes:
winged senna powder with fiber, which improves bowel function, normalizes appetite, regulates the digestive tract;
powder of young barley leaves, which protects the body from premature aging, regulates digestion. It helps remove waste and toxins, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and promotes weight loss, contains a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C and carotene enzymes.
stevia extract, which normalizes the nervous system, reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels, increases immune defense, promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, helps to lose weight.
By regularly consuming Aojiru, you will feel a surge of vitality, energy and endurance.
It increases working capacity, physical and mental endurance, reduces fatigue, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
The pleasant taste of Esthe Pro Labo Solution D.D. Powder Aojiru gives pleasure when used.
Ingredients: winged senna powder, young barley leaf powder, stevia extract.
Take 1 stick per day, dissolving in water or in dry form.
It is not a medicine. Consult a doctor before use.